Reconnective Healing


Reconnective Healing is a powerful holistic modality that rebalances your system down to the cellular level.

Unlike traditional healing methods, it doesn’t require touch or the use of tools. Instead, it works through the energetic frequencies that surround and permeate your body. By interacting with these frequencies, Reconnective Healing can bring about profound changes in your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This form of healing has been shown to help with a wide range of issues, from chronic pain and stress to emotional trauma and spiritual disconnection.

Whether you’re seeking relief from physical symptoms or looking to enhance your spiritual journey, Reconnective Healing offers a unique and powerful path to greater balance and harmony in all areas of your life.


Energy Alignment


Cellular Healing


Holistic Balance


Spiritual Growth


What is Reconnective Healing?

Reconnective Healing is a holistic modality that realigns your energy, promoting healing and balance on all levels—physical, mental, and spiritual.

How does The Reconnection work?

The Reconnection aligns your body’s energy grids, creating a deeper connection with the Earth and the universe, leading to lasting harmony.

What are the benefits of Sound Therapy?

Sound Therapy uses harmonic frequencies to restore your cells’ original resonance, promoting deep healing and rejuvenation of the body, mind, and spirit.

How do your products support well-being?

Our products, like the Analemma water and Montbalans pendant, are designed to enhance your well-being by harmonizing your environment and supporting your body’s natural healing processes.

"MOOIE DINGEN's Reconnective Healing transformed my life. I feel more balanced and connected than ever before."

– Robert Waller

"The Reconnection was a profound experience. It realigned my energy and gave me clarity and control over my life."

– Jane Black

"Sound therapy brought me peace and rejuvenation. I highly recommend it for deep, holistic healing."

– John Doe